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Oakland County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017, Five Year Span = 52,123 deaths by by Age Group (Full Report Details Click Picture to see details)

Age Division % Change (Age Group Comparison)
During the recent five year period, 2013-2017 Oakland County, MI had significant increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old, we see a 631% increase in crude death for persons aged 15-24 years old, compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old.  There were 429 more crude deaths age 15-24 year old age versus the age 5-14 year old age group.  

Calculation for increase is percent change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 15-24 year old Crude deaths - Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)/Age 5-14 year old crude deaths)*100 = (497 - 68/68 = 631% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 15-24 years old compared to earlier age group age 5-14 years old.
In the following age group, ages 25-34 years old, had significant death increase, 75% increase in crude death for persons aged 25-34 years old, compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old, there were 374 more crude deaths in the age 25-34 year old age group versus the age 15-24 years old age group.  

Calculation for increase is percent change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value)*100 = ((Age 25-34 year old crude deaths - Age 15-24 year old substance deaths)/Age 15-24 year old Crude deaths)*100 = (871 - 497/497 = 75% increases in crude deaths for persons aged 25-34 years old compared to earlier age group age 15-24 years old.

Which age group had the largest increase in crude deaths in Oakland County, MI in the last five year span 2013-2017 compared to the prior five years?

Answer:   The ten-year age group, ages 25-34 years had the largest increase in crude death in the last five year span, ages 25-34 years old had significant, 31% increase in crude deaths, 2013-2017 versus the five years prior 2008-2012!

Oakland County, MI had significant 8.2% crude death increase in the recent five year span versus the prior five year period, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 - - 3,938 more Oakland County deaths in the recent five year Span = 52,123 - 48,185 = 3,938. Oakland County, MI had 52,123 crude deaths in the recent five years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI crude death rate increased significantly 41.2 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 839.8 - 798.6 = 41.2 death rate point increase in the last 5 year period.   DR (Death Rate) = (CrudeDeaths/population) x 100,000

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 8.2% = Oakland County, MI ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((52,123 - 48,185) / ( 48,185))*100 = ((3,938) / ( 48,185))*100 = 8.2% 

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (52,123 / 6,206,618)*100,000 = 839.8
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (48,185 / 6,033,599)*100,000 = 798.61
Population % Change = ((New-Old)/Old)*100 = ((6206618-6033599)/6033599)*100 = 2.87%
Population Difference = 173,019
Death Rate recent if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 863.88

Oakland County, MI Crude Deaths 2013-2017 = 52,123, 5 Year Span
  • 2.6% of deaths are between ages 15-34 years old (1,368 age 15-34 year old deaths, in the 5 year span, 2013-2017)
  • 11.4% deaths are between ages 0-54 years old (5,947 deaths are between ages 0-54 years old, in the 5 year span, 2013-2017)

Deaths lost per day

Oakland County, MI lost young people ages 15-34 years old to a death at the rate of 0.75 deaths per day during 2013-2017 five year span = 1,368 crude deaths / 5 years = 273.6 deaths per year / 365 days per year = .75 age 15-34 year old crude deaths per day during years 2013-2017. = 5.26 age 15-34 year old deaths per week during 2013-2017 five year span.

Oakland County, MI lost residents to a death at the rate of 29 deaths per day during 2013-2017 five year span = 52,123 crude deaths / 5 years = 10424.6 deaths per year / 365 days per year = 28.5605479452055 = 29 crude deaths per day during years 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI young adults ages 15-24 years had a 2.7% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 13 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span vs prior 5 years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 = 497 - 484 = 13 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI  Ages 15-24 years old had 497 crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI young adults ages 15-24 years crude death rate decreased -1.3 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 65.1 - 66.5 = -1.3 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 yr period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 2.7% = 15-24 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((497 - 484) / ( 484))*100 = ((13) / ( 484))*100 = 2.7%

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (497 / 762880)*100,000 = 65.1

2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (484 / 728119)*100,000 = 66.5
Population % Change (increase/deacrease) = 4.
Population Difference = 34,761
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 68.3

Note: It is out of character for ages 25-34 years old to have significant death increase. It is not normal for a young healthy age group to have a significant death increase! Normally this age group goes up or down a point or two, it should go down considering all the technology and safety electronics we have.  A 20.3 death rate point increase is a horrific change in young deaths, in the recent five year period, compared to the prior five year period, it is a significant change in crude deaths for a young healthy age group ages 25-34 years old.

To better understand this significance, a future report will look at mind-altering substances deaths for this population in the same period.  

Oakland County, MI young adults ages 25-34 years had significant 31% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 206 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span vs prior 5 years, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 = 871 - 665 = 206 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI Ages 25-34 years old had 871 crude deaths in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI young adults ages 25-34 years crude death rate increased significantly 20.3 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 death rates = 112. - 91.7 = 20.3 death rate point increase in the recent 5 yr period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 31.% = 25-34 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((871 - 665) / ( 665))*100 = ((206) / ( 665))*100 = 31.%

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (871 / 777774)*100,000 = 112
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (665 / 725185)*100,000 = 91.7
Population % Change = 7.3%
Population Difference = 52,589
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 120.1

Oakland County, MI babies ages < 1 year had a -5.3% crude death decrease 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - -22 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 390 - 412 = -22 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 390 baby deaths ages < 1 year old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI babies ages < 1 year crude death rate decreased -58.6 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 574.4 - 633. = -58.6 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = -5.3% = < 1 year ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((390 - 412) / ( 412))*100 = ((-22) / ( 412))*100 = -5.3% crude death increase for ages < 1 year old"

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (390 / 67898)*100,000 = 574.4
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (412 / 65084)*100,000 = 633
Population % Change = 4.3%
Population Difference = 2,814
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 599.2

Oakland County, MI children ages 1-4 years had significant 9.3% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 5 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 59 - 54 = 5 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 59 child deaths ages 1-4 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI children ages 1-4 years crude death rate increased 2.1 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 21.6 - 19.5 = 2.1 death rate point increase in the recent 5 year period."

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 9.3% =
1-4 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((59 - 54) / ( 54))*100 = ((5) / ( 54))*100 = 9.3% crude death increase for ages 1-4 years old"

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (59 / 273408)*100,000 = 21.6
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (54 / 276852)*100,000 = 19.5
Population % Change = -1.2%
Population Difference = -3,444
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 21.3

Oakland County, MI children and teens ages 5-14 years had a -25.3% crude death decrease 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - -23 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 68 - 91 = -23 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 68 child and teen deaths ages 5-14 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI children and teens ages 5-14 years crude death rate decreased -2.4 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 9. - 11.4 = -2.4 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = -25.3% = 5-14 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((68 - 91) / ( 91))*100 = ((-23) / ( 91))*100 = -25.3% crude death increase for ages 5-14 years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (68 / 758806)*100,000 = 9
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (91 / 801720)*100,000 = 11.4
Population % Change = -5.4%
Population Difference = -42,914
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 8.5

Oakland County, MI adults ages 35-44 years had a -2.8% crude death decrease 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - -35 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 1,225 - 1,260 = -35 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 1,225 deaths ages 35-44 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 35-44 years crude death rate increased significantly 7.2 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 154.8 - 147.6 = 7.2 death rate point increase in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = -2.8% = 35-44 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((1,225 - 1,260) / ( 1,260))*100 = ((-35) / ( 1,260))*100 = -2.8% crude death increase for ages 35-44 years old"

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (1225 / 791233)*100,000 = 154.8
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (1260 / 853722)*100,000 = 147.6
Population % Change = -7.3%
Population Difference = -62,489
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 143.5

Oakland County, MI adults ages 45-54 years had a -14.9% crude death decrease 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - -498 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 2,837 - 3,335 = -498 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 2,837 deaths ages 45-54 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 45-54 years crude death rate decreased -33.6 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 305. - 338.5 = -33.6 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = -14.9% = 45-54 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((2,837 - 3,335) / ( 3,335))*100 = ((-498) / ( 3,335))*100 = -14.9% crude death increase for ages 45-54 years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (2837 / 930301)*100,000 = 305
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (3335 / 985150)*100,000 = 338.5
Population % Change = -5.6%
Population Difference = -54,849
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 288

Oakland County, MI adults ages 55-64 years had significant 15.7% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 875 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 6,434 - 5,559 = 875 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 6,434 deaths ages 55-64 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 55-64 years crude death rate increased significantly 27.8 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 728.9 - 701.1 = 27.8 death rate point increase in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 15.7% = 55-64 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((6,434 - 5,559) / ( 5,559))*100 = ((875) / ( 5,559))*100 = 15.7% crude death increase for ages 55-64 years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (6434 / 882654)*100,000 = 728.9
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (5559 / 792885)*100,000 = 701.1
Population % Change = 11.3%
Population Difference = 89,769
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 811.5
Oakland County, MI adults ages 65-74 years had significant 23.7% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 1,709 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 8,935 - 7,226 = 1,709 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 8,935 deaths ages 65-74 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 65-74 years crude death rate decreased -96. points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 1594.3 - 1690.3 = -96. death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period."

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 23.7% =
65-74 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((8,935 - 7,226) / ( 7,226))*100 = ((1,709) / ( 7,226))*100 = 23.7% crude death increase for ages 65-74 years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (8935 / 560433)*100,000 = 1594.3
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (7226 / 427493)*100,000 = 1690.3
Population % Change = 31.1%
Population Difference = 132,940
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 2090.1.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 75-84 years had a -1.9% crude death decrease 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - -231 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 11,881 - 12,112 = -231 less crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 11,881 deaths ages 75-84 years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 75-84 years crude death rate decreased -212.2 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 4500. - 4712.2 = -212.2 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = -1.9% = 75-84 years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((11,881 - 12,112) / ( 12,112))*100 = ((-231) / ( 12,112))*100 = -1.9% crude death increase for ages 75-84 years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (11881 / 264022)*100,000 = 4500
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (12112 / 257033)*100,000 = 4712.2
Population % Change = 2.7%
Population Difference = 6,989
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 4622.4

Oakland County, MI adults ages 85+ years had significant 11.4% crude death increase 2013-2017 vs 2008-2012 - - - - 1,939 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span versus prior 5 years, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 = 18,926 - 16,987 = 1,939 more crude deaths in the recent 5 Year Span. Oakland County, MI had 18,926 deaths ages 85+ years old in the recent 5 years, 2013-2017.

Oakland County, MI adults ages 85+ years crude death rate decreased -320.4 points comparing recent 5 year crude death rate to prior 5, 2013-2017 versus 2008-2012 death rates = 13793.6 - 14114. = -320.4 death rate point decrease in the recent 5 year period.

Calculation for Percent Change = ((New Value - Old Value)/ Old Value )*100 = 11.4% = 85+ years ((2013-2017 Crude deaths - 2008-2012 Crude deaths ) / (2008-2012 Crude deaths ))*100 = ((18,926 - 16,987) / ( 16,987))*100 = ((1,939) / ( 16,987))*100 = 11.4% crude death increase for ages 85+ years old

2013-2017 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (18926 / 137209)*100,000 = 13793.6
2008-2012 Death Rate = Crude Deaths / Population = (16987 / 120356)*100,000 = 14114
Population % Change = 14.%
Population Difference = 16,853
Death Rate if Population was same as 2008-2012 = 15725


It is not normal for a young healthy age group to have increases in death in a young healthy age group.  When young deaths rise, a critical situation is occurring, young people in these areas need support. It is not normal to have high young death rates .  

The news is flooding with posts of very poisonous mind altering substances entering the U.S.  When mind altering substances increase in an area - accidents, suicides, homelessness and sicknesses increase due to the high/drunk deceiving effect a mind-altering substance has on a person.  Posts of drugs entering the U.S.    

This is a crude death report, thus this report includes all deaths including, sickness, accidents, suicide, violence and all mind-altering substance deaths (e.g., opiates, narcotics, marijuana, vaping, alcohol, meth, sedatives, benzodiazepines, tranquilizers, xanax, stimulants, cocaine, hallucinogens, tobacco, etc.  

In 2008 Medical Marijuana act increased instances of Marijuana throughout Michigan.  Marijuana is the most widely used drug by young teens according to NIDA, it has increased in alarming potency and poisonous addictive strength.  Teens are getting addicted to marijuana, as these teens get older, alcohol enters their life, doubled with a marijuana, addiction can quickly spiral a young life out of control.  Marijuana is known as a gateway drug, people that suffer from hard mind-altering substance addiction, state they first started with marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, etc.   Young teens and adults are especially vulnerable to addictive mind-altering-substances, they need  to hear the truth about mind-altering substances to avoid the misery of addiction and seek recovery support.  

1 in 7 teens report using marijuana in the past month indicates NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse); National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site 9-28-19 ,
Marijuana has a strong potential for abuse and is classified as a schedule Ι drug.
Marijuana THC Potency Increased  (THC is the addictive part that gets a person high) The potency of an average marijuana cigarette has steadily increased from 3 percent THC in the early 1990's to 12.5 percent THC in 2013.  NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse); National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services web site 9-28-19,
According to NIDA, marijuana concentrates can have, 50-80% THC, High potential for Addiction!  Marijuana extracts can reach young people if we do not cap the situation, this is what reaches young people if we do not protect them.

When a person is suffering from a physical addiction “unrecovered" (without protected recovery and support), a person sometimes reaches for a worse mind-altering substance (e.g., opiates, meth, xanex)  to deal with hard withdraw, as such, addiction increases. Substances have increased in variety and poisonous strength.  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Dataset: Underlying Cause of Death. 1999-2017 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released December, 2018. Data from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 1999-2017, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. CDC source data, but not a CDC publication. Data Accessed at  and

Copyright information
Permission is given to print and share this report to support education and health of people, free of charge. When you share or print, suggested citation includes source, facebook page and blog.  

Resources –Seeking Help   Medical Emergency Call 911

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for Deaf &amp; hard of hearing 1-800-799-4889

If You Suspect your child is using drugs

Treatment Locator – National listing by SAMHSA and Referral Hotline (SAMHSA) 1-877-SAMHSA-7a

Veteran’s and their Families Call: 1-800-273-8255

24 Hour Toll Free Prayer Lines
Daystar 1-800-329-0029
Catholic prayer hotline TBD
National Prayer Center Assemblies of God 1-800-477-2937
Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) 1-800-759-0700

Common Ground:  (248) 456-8144

When deaths rise, a critical situation is occurring, as responsible citizens, we can find ways to support critical populations, support the young, elderly and the lowly, investigate what is happening, have any laws changed in an area that could affect the health of people.  

Greatest Commandment:  Matthew 22:35-40
35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. 

Understanding death increase enables residents to understand critical populations to work on solutions and give support. Living in Grace created these reports to improve the health and well-being of persons living in the United States.

If you would like to join us in supporting good health of all people call 248-392-8676 or email hismatter@gmail.